Monthly Archives: October 2012

Hello world!

My first post, let’s keep this simple. I am in the last few months of my academic coursework at OSU-Cascades, after which point I will be avidly trying to discover what it is that I am going to do when I “grow-up.” For the last ten years I have dedicated most of my energies to become more integrated into mountain bike culture. Over the course of that time I have ridden, raced, explored, photographed, filmed, coached, guided, built, maintained and fought for mountain bike rights.Overall I see myself as a steward to the culture, and believe that it’s value lies in helping its participants discover motivation, discipline and drive, while also encouraging growth on many other levels of what it means to be human. Not to be too cliche, but in mountain biking I have both found myself and lost myself. I have met my best friends in mountain biking, and I have found the courage through the sport to believe in myself and to follow my dreams, far from home, across the country, in places I have never been, I have ridden my bike and gone so many places, it is the gift that keeps on giving, and because of that I want to help give that to others.

This blog is to become my voice and tell my story, of why I continue to ride my bike, build trails, and follow the path that this lifestyle leads. Since 2007, I have been photographing trail projects and adventures that my friends and I have undertaken, and this will serve as the platform for sharing those stories with whoever chooses to explore them.

Thanks, and enjoy!

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Posted by on October 11, 2012 in Trail-Building, Trail-Riding